Building a foundation for outstanding healthcare in High River & Nanton.
Your partner in giving back, since 1986.
Dr. Lekhi & the Longview 4H Beef Club in the OR learning about where their donations go.

What matters most to our donors, patients, families and the staff drives everything we do.
For over thirty five years, we have been inspired by the generosity of our community, and supporters across the province and country. Our donors range from community businesses, to service clubs, to families who are extremely grateful for the care and support that a family member has received in High River and Nanton.
We listen thoughtfully to experiences and ideas that are shared with us everyday. These conversations inspire projects and programs that become possibilities for the best in healthcare for our community.

Healthcare with heart
It takes tenacity, creativity and heart to keep healthcare, close to home. For thirty five years, the Foundation has been inspiring partnerships with our caring communities and Alberta Health Services to ensure the right services and programs are here to meet the needs of as many people and patients as possible so they may receive care, closer to home.
We can not accomplish this mission without the contributions of neighbours who are inspired to invest in local healthcare for today and for the future. These contributions come through annual donations, our campaigns, volunteering and sharing experiences that create vision and possibilities for a healthy future.
With your support, our health care units and the hospital will continue to thrive and we are grateful.
Our Work Moves
The work of our Foundation and your charitable donations regularly support health care in a variety of key areas. Our regional area includes all health units in Nanton and High River, including the general hospital. We direct financial support to areas such as acute care, long term care, occupational therapy, recreational therapy, emergency services, our regional cancer clinic, our regional maternity clinic, palliative care, spiritual care, staff scholarships and so much more!

Get Involved
Attend an Event
We regularly host fundraising and donor events that are easy to support!
You can directly support a program or health unit that is important to you or give a gift to our Greatest Needs fund.
Our Campaigns
Support our annual campaigns or new campaigns that are supporting an emerging need in Nanton or High River.